Friday, January 25, 2008


I've started knitting on Storm. Manhandling size 17 needles is a bit of a chore. It does knit up fast though. I've decided to enlarge the chart since I'm old and it's hard to see all those little spots through cat fur, dog tails and all the paraphernalia I keep around me.
Trying to photograph what you've done so far is....interesting. Today apparently is help your owner photograph her handknits day for all pets. FYI, I've gone and frogged what I've done and started over. I just didn't like the way my cast on looked.

I like the Rowan Big Wool. It's soft and springy though it's catching on my plastic needles a bit more than I like and... I've already come across a knot and two sections where the yarn puckers out - a result of uneven spinning and I'm only about a sixth of the way through my first skein. I'm doing the spit/finger rub felting routine but really, at $13.50 a skein, which was the cheapest I could find it on-line, is this something a knitter should have to do?

One of my Dahlia socks done in luscious Sundara sock yarn is done. I'm feeling like I'm getting the hang of the kitchener stitch though I like having the book open in front of me. I redid the heel twice before I liked the fit. Now for sock No. 2.

I wandered over to Ravelry sadly wondering when, if ever, I would be admitted and found a neato feature where you could check and see where you were in the process. Heck and Darn, I had been added Nov. 19th and it went right into my spam bucket. Their feature automatically resends your invitation and that too went into spam heaven but I was waiting and I am now having a lot of fun checking things out. I may actually fill out a profile at some point. I've done stranger things. Three people have knit Storm. Whoo Hoo!

I am trying out a new dog coat pattern. I made it up in a small and it fits fairly well across the back though it is about 2 to 3 inches too long and the chest straps (those red things poking out of the sides) will have to be moved up otherwise they will get peed on. Suzy The Enabler thinks Omar will feel too girly in this outfit and I have promised to make it up in manly blues and greys.

I am getting ready to finally bottle my latest batch of plum wine. Instead of using recycled bottles collected lovingly by my friends I bought two cases of some very pretty frosted ones that should show off the wonderful deep red color. I have a freezer full of plums, and we are talking a large floor unit here, waiting to be made up into yet another batch or two of wine.

The weather continues to be dark, cold, and overcast with rain every day sometimes with a light snow. Not much is happening in the garden so I drag out some of my older photos. A sunrise from years past and spring flowers in Canyonlands National Park in Utah. We caught it one spring when they were having a stunning wildflower display.


At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pink with red flowers. Omar will be the laughingstock of the dog park, as well as the trails. I can see the labs now - sniggering behind his back, and the little white poodle asking who his couturie is. Poor Omar. It's a good thing he loves you.

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Storm! Socks! I languish in a basket, forgotten and forlorn. 'Tis the life of Claude. Alas. Alas.


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