Thursday, April 03, 2008


Some time in the last couple of years I knitted all but nine inches of the Manos del Uruguay Landside jacket. It never thrilled me because it was limp, seriously limp. Now the pattern had an option to knit it with double yarn and gosh, I had inadvertently bought just that amount. No, I don't know why I knit it using the single option. These things just happen.

In between working on my other UFO's I've been frogging my first attempt. It's a little bit kinky as you might expect having been knit in garter and then having to sit around unloved for two or so years.

I've had to be a little bit ingenious (and what knitter isn't?) finding a way to weigh the yarn after I've wet it down. My first attempt worked quite well: make the yarn into a skein, tie off, wet, blot in a towel then hang on a plastic coat hanger. Hang coat hanger over the dining room table (who eats there anyway? it's covered in my knitting) on a convenient hook then weigh down with another coat hanger with an umbrella looped over it. Voila!

At some point all my convenient hooks were busy so I used a dowel and a wine bottle for the next set of skeins.
I am liking the double version much more. I'm still working on Storm along with a couple of other things. I tend to jump around a little bit (stop laughing).

I knit a test mitered square for a friend who's son and daughter-in-law are expecting a baby. She asked me to help set her up with an appropriate baby item to knit. We both have some lovely grey-green RY Classic DK on size 5's that turns out to be perfect. It is so very soft. I first tried a lovely blanket pattern found on My Fashionable Life but decided it would be too fussy for the person knitting it. A Mason-Dixon mitered blanket turned out to be just the perfect project. She'll knit, I'll wash, block and sew up the squares then put a border on it.

I also made up a pair of capri for the upcoming summer. I was rather pleased how they turned out. I am eagerly awaiting my four day sewing retreat at the end of this month. It's certainly going to be a lot more fun than the colonoscopy I have scheduled for next week!


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the capris. The pocket facing gives them just a little bit of zing. Very nice.

I notice there are no kitty paws helping to stretch the yarn back into shape. I had no idea it was Manos you'd frogged! Must have made Claude feel better - knowing it wasn't he who succumbed.

Like a Phoenix, Manos will rise from the wrinkles a better creation.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said...

Love the umbrella and wine bottle solutions! They made me laugh, and I needed a laugh (back to having a sinus infection and being on double antibiotics again, after two weeks off).

One of these days I will drag out my sewing machine and do some larnin'. Your seemingly effortless (I realize that is probably not the case) and impressive projects are an inspiration, despite my attempts not to get sucked into yet another hobby ;-)


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