Friday, August 26, 2011


Life at Chez Earin's continues apace - a little sewing, a bit of knitting, some weed pulling, the picking of produce. It's been a dismal season for tomatoes but a banner one for melons and squash, both summer and the hard shelled winter variety. Hubby is often entreated to take a sackful of cantaloupes to friends and I've managed to foist more than one onto girlfriends. They are extremely tasty but my fridge is stuffed and frankly, I am tired of eating them. Next year: fewer melon plants.

The shift of the seasons is now very apparent and fall does not seem all that far away. The garden, with the exception of the weeds, is slowing down. Soon I will line up my tools and start rearranging a few of my plants that don't seem quite as happy as they should be where they are.

One thing that was moved two years ago was this clematis. It has finally settled down and started producing beautiful flowers. Typically, by the third season clematis have hit their stride and start taking off. I have high hopes for next year.

(No, we never seem to take our Christmas lights down.)


I made another J Stern knit top. It's a good fit and I like it a lot but the neck binding is too loose so I will unpick it and do it tighter.

While off in Cactusland The Enabler and I took a Patrick Lose class and we both picked up this table runner pattern. I plan to use it as a wall hanging in our newly painted, extremely cheerful (and colorful) bedroom. Cutting out the bits and pieces reminded me greatly of being a child using great big, but very dull scissors. I was yet again reminded that my aging brain does not deal with reversed images all that well. The good news is that as a Designated Adult I can run up and down my hallway with my very sharp scissors if I am ever so inclined.

I picked up this Simplicity pattern at the sew-in's RuMAge sale because I liked the little jacket. I did a prototype in fabric I wasn't crazy about to check the fit. Next I cut it out of better fabric and decided to line it. I have no experience in lining things so it qualifies as "a learning experience". So far I'm on the lesson plan that starts "Totally confused...."

My every way wrap continues. It is not quite mindless knitting but I can do it while watching TV. I know that I am going to like it a lot and it will certainly help keep the winter's chill off. It also seems to be quite the fur magnet and around here, well, there's a bit of fur. More to keep me warm?


I wish I had planted more sunflowers this year. They are so pretty and the birds have a great time eating the seeds. It's a pleasure to watch them from the front window.

BOO KAYS (continued)


Omar loves his sunshine. I love Omar.


At 9:22 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Lovely portrait of Omar. Send me photos for your label, I can work on it over labor day weekend.


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