Tuesday, February 20, 2007


One of my guilty pleasures is watching the fashion shows on HD TV. It's a great thing to have on in the background as you knit. As with most things of this nature some of the shows are wonderful, some boring and quite a few are just a tad silly. Would it surprise you to know that the rebirth of knitting has made its way to the world of high fashion?

I bring to you images taken from the New York Times on-line edition of clothes shown during the London Fashion week. Some of these patterns will surely be in knitting books soon. Be sure to preorder now!

I like the hat. I can see making it for myself in a nice rusty red with a bit of varigation. Learn cables. Learn cables now.
This is a personal favorite. This coat is ME. You have to custom order the size 400 needles though.

My own personal knitting continues. Claude is down to the last few inches and then the joys of knitting the band. The hubby and I will be heading out to Utah in a couple of days for fun (no profit). We'll be working our way to Phoenix where we will help our dear friend Suzy celebrate a significant birthday. Beautiful scenery, the riding of dual sport bikes, three cats and a dog contained in the RV for two weeks. How the fur will fly!



At 12:08 PM, Blogger Valerie said...

That made me laugh out loud. I LOVE the size 400 needle coat. And the lovely handknitted neck brace, how thoughtful.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said...

Oops, that was me, I just posted my comment with a weird picture, sorry.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to capture all the flying fur, spin it into yarn, and make said chapeau. I think it would look [insert proper British accent] particularily sartorial [end accent] with Otis fur as the tassel-y bits. That will give you the variation you mention.

With HD TV you get extra fashion channels? Interesting.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that wig-like hat! Is the guy below her wearing antlers?


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