Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Yesterday the hubby said, "What is all this stuff?" We have a convenient little shelf right outside the fridge where you can set down your juice and cereal bowl while you pour milk etc. I had loaded it up with things from the pantry. I had noticed that there were brown moths fluttering around and I wanted to clean, wipe down, eradicate etc. before putting stuff back. Last night my eyes opened wide in the wee hours of the morning. My unconscious brain had finally stopped receiving the recorded message, "I'm sorry, but due to technical problems beyond our control we are unable to connect you to any higher brain functions at this time. Please try again at a later time."

Moths. Yarn. My precious stash just around the corner. I now have several cedar blocks, freshly sprayed with new cedar oil stuffed into my stash drawers. We smell a lot better than when we had a freshly skunked dog in the house.

On a much less stressful note every year we do our Annual Fall Tour. This is where we load up the car with food and cold drinks along with the dog and spend the day driving up into the mountains to view the fall colors. Vermont we are not but there is still a lot of beautiful scenery to behold.

After you get over the mountains and past Downieville and Sierra City you come to Sierraville which is situated on a vast plain. Since you've been going up and down winding mountain roads this is a bit of a change. There is a vista point overlooking the wide, flat valley with displays telling you about the geology involved and I look at them every year. Do I remember anything? I'm sorry, my higher brain functions are busy trying to decide what to make for dinner. Please try later.
One of the fun things about this trip is exploring side roads. This photo shows the best part of a road leading up to an active mine (not that we saw anything resembling activity). It was a lot work getting over the huge mounds of dirt and rocks and requiring 4 wheel drive. At the point where it petered out to little more than a trail we came upon two storage containers and this somewhat absorbed vehicle. Too cool in an environmentally unfriendly way.

I am turning out wristwarmers like a little factory girl earning piecework money and I still haven't managed to get to the cool Interweave Knits ww pattern that Valerie mailed to me. Honest Valerie, soon, very soon! I finished off one of a pair last night and realized that I will need just a bit more of another skein. Just another trip to the yarn store and $10.73 after tax for the deep black Elsebeth Lavold Angora. Hubby said that he would like a knitted tube to pull over his head to keep his neck and lower face warm when he goes motorcycle riding in the winter. "Something subdued, plain." Men. Bah. I bought a couple skeins of the Autunno in a brown with just enough variegation to make it interesting and at the same time a few more skeins of what I have already. This stuff is being used up fast. The second of the pair should be finished by tonight or tomorrow just in time to present to my friend Sharon as a belated birthday present. I'll let her model them and blog the photos later.
Burn a little wood and your couch ends up looking like a kitten bomb went off. You can't even see Opie and Omar holding down the other side. A nice fire on a cold evening is always so nice.


At 10:50 PM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said...

OH that cat pic is hilarious. Cats are such great entertainment...

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Otis is looking positively petrified! NOT. Obviously this means that the house needs a suitable addition for the humans to sit in, since the cats have comandeered the couch.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Elinoire said...

Kitten bomb! Not only did that make me laugh out loud, but I made my husband walk over and look at it. Otis is hysterical.

I love your pictures. The area you live in is so beautiful.


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