Wednesday, March 28, 2007

COUNTRY LIVING Beautiful isn't it? Oak trees, green meadows, red tailed hawks flying overhead. I do like living out in the rural suburbs a lot. However we are currently without water. Hubby was working on getting our watering system up and running for the garden when he discovered a solenoid in the process of burning out. It was after 5 pm so he couldn't buy replacement parts until today. Then he decided he might as well upgrade the system. Water will return at some point. It's all part of living in a rather old house that wasn't that well maintained before we bought it. The RV gives us some respite, we're able to shower at least. We laugh a little grimly at times that the list of "to do" projects that we started six years ago is not only not shorter but has grown to multiple pages.
At least we weren't due at the vet's today for a check up and various tests for things like heartworm. Omar has his cringe down perfectly don't you think? Please, please! Don't beat me anymore!! Everyone was so nice to him and nothing other than a couple of immunizations and a small blood draw for the poor mistreated pup. We went for a long hike afterwards where he was able to prance in front of other dogs (safely behind fences) and several horses too. Now he's asleep in a sunny spot and feeling that life is maybe okay again.
I started back on Claude and have found a disagreement. The two front sections do not match. I've concluded that the right front (which is on the right) is the correct one. It will just be a bit of frogging. Nothing to shed tears over.

Postscript: We are again liquid. Laundry flows, dishes are washed and all is well in the ruburbs of Grass Valley.


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said...

Omar always cracks me up. What a ham he is! I love the terrified expression.

Good luck with Claude and sorry to hear about the mismatch. It's going to be lovely when done, despite the frogginess at the moment.

WHEW to having water back! I know that feeling, where you're actually excited to get to flush the toilet and so on... we manage to break the septic system EVERY time we visit my mother-in-law in rural Australia. This makes life a little .. exciting for a few days.


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